RT @isaacmoore7: Teachers writing books that meet the needs of teachers is one of the amazing things that have happened to education… https://t.co/V0aTnpqXuZ
RT @JoPearce: Some of the expectations of the #ofsted framework are only really achievable after a HT and GB have been in place 6… https://t.co/A1aYoW7Thk
RT @RogersHistory: 'Head teachers who worked for Ofsted usually did so because it gave them an insight, so they could avoid unfavourab… https://t.co/LYFKRSp4Gq
Idealism is not a failing - lack of imagination is. https://t.co/Sj8W124QDo
Loved this book. Adapted an idea to create these summaries of pessimistic (current) views of the purpose of educati… https://t.co/4Z7YqScWNi
RT @DavidNautilus1: My daughter came home from school and said, ‘You know when teachers look really unhappy, so you make big effort to… https://t.co/6xiC7Cgsq0
Leaders need to stop trying to increase performance at any cost and aim for the virtuous middle ring of the doughnu… https://t.co/6WKVavqp84
Can't believe it's been 6 years. The ideas from Doughnut Economics were the initial inspiration for my book 'Tiltin… https://t.co/nRlDaDzxTs
More fun with roundabouts. Happy Easter. https://t.co/3fqFuB11Ym