Teaching and learning workshops:
workshops to update and inspire teachers in primary or secondary schools and at any career stage
First developed at the University of Nottingham, this programme of eight workshops is fully aligned with the teachers standards, early career framework and the latest Ofsted framework. Designed to be stimulating and interactive it draws on the latest ideas as well as the best of established wisdom. The workshops are equally suitable for building the confidence of teachers low on self-belief or boosting motivation for high performing teachers eager for new perspectives.
“Can not praise Jo enough. The man is amazing. Really encouraged me to reflect on and improve my practice.”
Amber - Beginning Teacher
“I liked how engaging the workshops were. In particular, I enjoyed the seminar on working with boys and found it had a big impact on my practice afterwards.”
Will - Beginning Teacher
The first workshop will help you to reflect on how to maximise the impact of the crucial first three minutes of every lesson. It will help you to quickly gain students’ emotional commitment, minimise distractions, and introduce new concepts in a way that makes a real difference to the depth of learning.
Workshop 2 adopts the working and long-term memory model to transform the way you think about the assessment of learning. You will consider how to formulate effective questions and tailor them to specific students and situations to accurately reveal what students know and steer your lesson in the optimal direction for progress.
Workshop 3 uses the concepts of meta-cognition and growth mindset to introduce practical strategies that will increase the self-reliance of your pupils. By giving students the skills and confidence to drive their own learning you will unlock the potential of independent learners leading to significant and sustained progress.
Boys are great. Energetic, competitive, inquisitive and unafraid to take a risk. Workshop 4 uses the ‘pack leader’ model to harness the potential of boys and break the pattern of underachievement that characterises all levels of the country’s education system.
Workshop 5 busts dangerous myths around marking and introduces strategies for transformational assessment that will protect your ability to sustain a fulfilling work/life balance. At the heart of great marking is feedback that helps students to identify what they do well and how to improve - this workshop gives you the tools to achieve this.
Planning is an essential part of teaching. Workshop 6 will draw a distinction between written lesson plans and the thinking and reflective process of effective planning. It will then introduce a practical structure that will shape your thinking and help exploit the intent and implementation of your lessons to develop progressive learning journeys for all your pupils.
Workshop 7 looks at proactive and reactive strategies to shape the learning behaviours that you want in the classroom. Careful consideration of protocols, norms, and rewards will reduce the chances of unwanted behaviours and consistent application of sanctions will help deal with them when they arise.
Sometimes, situations can escalate despite all your planning. The final workshop will help you stay in control when things don’t go according to plan. Drawing on psychological theories, it will help you to identify and deal with signs of stress in yourself as well as your pupils.